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Disaster Relief and Global Health
Committed to Helping Others

I have a commitment to community service, and have been involved in national and international relief responses to natural disasters. In 2010 and 2011, I was the Haiti Operations Manager with Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB), for their relief response to the crisis in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. For several years I was an instructor with AWB, facilitating the all volunteer acupuncture corps "Healing Community Trauma" continuing education seminars. I have been awarded a lifetime membership in AWB for my service.

After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and for the next year-and-a-half, I made periodic trips to New Orleans to join AWB in delivering care to relief workers and resident survivors following the devastation wreaked by the hurricane.

In 1998, following the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Mitch, I was recruited by Dr. Maria Dolores Diaz to assist with the Honduras Healing Relief Project. As a fully bilingual and bicultural member of the team, I helped train medical doctors, Red Cross workers and other first responders to provide acupuncture treatments.

Kay Lasante - Health Care Services for Haitians by Haitians – Community Acupuncture